Nov 29, 2010


This is going to be our new house.
Found out today - moving mid Dec. Hopefully all will go well.

Nov 28, 2010

derby again

Went to the VRDL grand final last night, loved the skating, hated the venue.
Found this article via Facebook, I really can relate to this quote:
There were lots of families in the crowd. Watching the kids clap and hurt with the women, grimace as they hit the ground and scream as they got back up, wiping smears of face paint over their faces, I saw for a moment what I would have felt watching those women as a child. Powerful, epic, like there was something to look forward to at the end of growing up, and it would come on a set of skates, under a Reservoir night, in a pair of hot pants and the boom of the backtrack, as part of a team.
~ Ruby Murray



teacup time

I'm still jonesing for a tea related tatoo.  A quick google of "teacup tattoo" included these beauties.

 I like this one - would look better on me, I'm not so hairy ha ha. source.

love this one

Awesome. source

tea leg. source

More tea legs. Source

farm boy '39

I love this image from Shorpy.

Oct 31, 2010


After reading about these two shops on a friend's blog, I so want to go there and get some Japanese cuteness for myself.



Oct 30, 2010


Right now I'm waiting to see if we've been accepted to lease a house in East Kew, and I hate waiting. The one in Preston that I originally wanted was open for inspection on Wednesday, and about 50 people showed up to inspect it. I liked it a lot, but I knew I was right about the agent. Then when I read the application form and noticed that as well as your driver's licence and all the usual ID, they wanted a copy of your bank statement as well. It was at that point that I decided they could go fuck themselves.

So it's the Kew house or back to the drawing board. It's doing my head in, and the stress is not making me a happy person to be around right now. The fella also had an important job interview on Wednesday, and I really really hope he gets it, as it would take some of the pressure off. Fingers crossed.

In other news I was left alone in the wool shop whilst waiting for the fella to finish his nautropath's appointment yesterday, so I'm trying to knit my cares away into a pink cotton-acrylic blend top.

And it's been pouring with rain all day.

Oct 26, 2010


I found this embroidery design earlier on Flickr, and was thinking that it would make a great border for a tattoo. What to put in the middle? Tea? Sewing? Cupcake?

Cunnings Oval Floral Frame

up and down mood lately that is. I've been all over the place, I guess I'm not coping with the stress of moving both office and home. I haven't been sleeping much.

Yesterday we looked at a property and I almost felt insulted. It was [originally] a lovely house, built in, say, 1940, and really nothing had been done to it since then, besides layer after layer of dirt and grime. And maybe new carpet and curtains in the late 60s. It made me want to cry for the house, it was once lovely, and still had some of it's features like beautiful geometric ceiling roses and decorative bathroom tiling. But everything was filthy and seemingly only held together by the layer of manky paint that might have been added back in the 1980s. The kitchen stove was in the middle of the floor and looked like it had exploded, and the "splashback" was nothing but a dented piece of aluminum nailed to the wall. Grease was caked everywhere. I didn't dare to look in the bathroom, but the Fella assured me it was so horrid that you'd come out feeling dirtier than when you went in. I felt embarrassed for the agent, having to show people this piece of shit. And asking $350 a week for it. But it's a big house and in a great location, she pointed out. I smiled politely and inwardely wept for it's soul. Poor house.

The other thing I REALLY hate about finding a rental home is dealing with real estate agents.  I really don't think I've encountered a truthful one in all my life. Yesterday I was pissed off because I rang on Saturday about getting the keys to see a property and was told to come past on Monday. So we show up, only to be told that that property is let and the tenants are actually coming in today to sign the lease.  Why waste my time, arseholes?  There's another property that I have my eye on that is open tomorrow for viewing, but I have tried twice to arrange an earlier viewing with the agent.  The first time he promised to ring me back and never did, and then when I rang yesterday I was told that I can't see it till Wednesday with everyone else because they are apparently "doing work on it."  Given the fact that my parents went past the property and were talking to the owner on Sunday, I know this is a blatent lie. The simple fact is that it's a good house at a great price, so the agent knows they'll have no trouble renting it, so he simply can't be fucking bothered. It makes me so angry, you want to tell them to their swarmy faces that they're full of it, but in the interests of potential future business interaction, you can't. GRR and GRRR.

I know I'll look back on this in a month or two and wonder "what were you so worried about?" but right now I'm living it, and it's pissing me off. I so dislike the current place I'm renting, that I'm really concerned about finding a new place that will be home. Because I really need a home right now. Not just somewhere to sleep, eat and watch tv.

home sweet home
home sweet home by patrycja., on Flickr

Oct 24, 2010

cool flyer

I love this flyer. Can't go to the bout though...

where it's at

I originally started this to keep my collection of photos that I love in the one place, but hey, then I discovered Tumblr...and I now have a mishmash over there of derby, pretty girls, tattoos, vintage style, pretty pretty, tea, creativity and giggles. Check it out if you're interested.

So right now I'm at one of those turning points in my life. My work has relocated me, and so I'm going to use the opportunity to make a fresh start on things. Since my marriage breakup, I've sort of been drifting, and I'm very much over it. I now have someone else special in my life, and I think it's time for some changes.

As a result of work relocation, I've decided to take the opportunity to pick a place where I want to live and try it out. So we're currently looking for properties to rent, the main criteria being a yard for the DOG and room to garden. And somewhere to park the cars - I'm NEVER doing the inner city no parking thing again. (Grr.)

All this home uncertainty is rotting my guts and I'm praying to find somewhere asap, where the landlord will say, yes you can have it. Marriage separation always means lots of shit to sort out and no money in the foreseeable future, so right now, budget is a huge consideration. Fingers crossed for me.

I do think it's time for me to get what I want.

Oct 23, 2010


Just found out today, new league, my area.

Sep 6, 2010

this was a cool doco


Thinking about

lots of things at the moment
mostly things i want to do:

- get roller skates asap and start to practice
- i'd love a pink pushbike
- take some bursleque lessons
- work on my uke playing
- start planning a new tattoo - have the designs now, just need to save some money to get them done.
- decided that i want a new car next year, this one i think
- move house
- start making crafty things again and see if the curious little kitten will sell them. possibly with an embroidery emphasis - might apply to sublime stitching as a licensee. and do pillowcases and cushion covers.
- start replacing my wardrobe. my clothes are clapped out. seriously.
- catch up on some reading.
- buy something totally self indulgent and decadent...maybe like a pointless piece of jewellery or something.
- do a themed photoshoot. maybe me as steampunk.

what else?

Aug 19, 2010


feeling tired and drained
so very drained
hurts to think
need sleep

house love

look at later

this one

this one

and this one

Aug 17, 2010

i don' t mind at all

my prefab house just falls apart when you depart again

the street that i live on, years ago

source unknown

tea party

searching for a dress image brought up this pic. love it.

today i bought a floral frock. i like that.

Stella McCartney floral dress

this picture is not me. click on it for the link.

like hippy Johnny


Once for all, then, a short precept is given you: Love, and do what you will: whether you hold your peace, through love hold your peace; whether you cry out, through love cry out; whether you correct, through love correct; whether you spare, through love do you spare: let the root of love be within, of this root can nothing spring but what is good.
- St Augustine of Hippo


so what do i write about? i've tried to keep interest in a blog for a long time, but ever time i start one and people start to read it...then i feel like i can't say what i'm really thinking.
what's worrying me:
finding the money for a new home
breaking the current lease
the ato
my teeth
getting fit enough for derby/buying skates/starting yoga
- all these things really involve money

money is my enemy at the moment. how do i turn this around?

you look so good